Unit 6 - Extra: Le Handball

Handball is a very popular sport in England and the second most popular team sport in Europe.

Click here to learn more about this spectacular team sport!

Unit 6 - Section 2: Tu joues d'un instrument?

Watch this video, the cat is so cute.

But do you know the name of the instrument he is playing in French? Come and see me with the word, the first three will get a ...

Unit 6 - Section 2: tu joues d'un instrument?

Tu joues d'un instrument?

Can you remember the name of the music instruments?
Try out these anagrams!

* Test yourself! (1)
*Test yourself (2)
**Associe le français avec l'anglais
***A little bit of fun (1)
*** A little bit of fun (2)

Unit 6 - Section 1: Quels sont tes passes-temps?

Quels sont tes passes-temps?
You should now be able to talk about the sport you play and give your opinion about them.

Downlad and print these games and make sure your remember!

* Wordsearch
** Les anagrammes
*** Le cryptogramme et n'oublie pas de complèter le questionnaire pour obtenir des signatures!

Unit 6 - On s'amuse: Qu'est ce qu'on fait?

We have been working on Unit 6 since we came back from the holiday. In this Unit, we are learning how to talk about our hobbies and spare time.
Download this document to make sure you know the language!

Unit 5 - Section 4: Quelle est ta routine au collège?

Do you remember how to talk about your routine at school? Let's check!

Click here to practise with the flashcards and then choose any of the offered activities.

Unit 5 - Section 3: Mes matières et mes profs

Now let's talk about subjects and teachers.
Watch this video and answer the questions there in order to collect signatures directly from your form head.

Come and see me as soon as possible with your answers!